Recycling - The Dalles

Did you know?

The Dalles Disposal Service has a goal of recycling 25% of our total waste stream this year. We can do that by following these priorities: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost. In 2001 we recycled 23% of our waste in Wasco County. Call for information about recycling, backyard composting, compost bins, junk mail, disposing of household hazardous waste, recycling computers and waste prevention.

The Dalles Disposal Service
Phone 541-298-5149
Office hours: 9AM-5PM, Mon-Fri.

Curbside Recycling Guidelines:


Curbside Que Ecicla Pautas En Español:

All Plastics
Rinse clean and remove lids. Labels OK. NO lids or plastic tubs (margarine, yogurt, sour cream etc.) and NO motor oil bottles.


Todos Los Plásticos
Aclare limpio y quite las tapas. Etiquetas MY BIEN. Ningunas tapas o tinas del plástico (margarina, yogur, crema amarga etc. y NINGUNAS botellas de aceite del motor.
Clear, brown or green. Unbroken food and beverage bottles or jars only. They should be washed and labels are OK.
Claro, marrón o verde. Intacto alimento y botellas o tarros de la bebida solamente. Deben ser lavados y las etiquetas son ACEPTABLES.
Clean well and remove labels. Remove ends, flatten and bag.
Keep aluminum and tin separate.
Alumino / Lata
Limpie bien y quite el labels. Quite los extremos, aplánelos y empaquete. Alumino y lata del la subsistencia separada.
Bundle or bag (in paper) - 25 lb. max. No rubberbands.
Paquete o bolso (en papel), 25 lb. máximo. Ningun rubberbands.
Mixed paper
Junk mail, phone books, cereal boxes, magazines, catalogs & other clean paper. Sort into paper bags 25lb maximum.

Papel Mezclado
El correo de chatarra, los libros de teléphono, las cajas del cereal, los compartimientos, los catálogos y el otro papel limpio. Clasifique en bolsas de papel el máximo de 25 lb.
Helpful hints
Recyclables will be picked up the same day as your trash. Set out recyclables by 6am on the day of pickup. Stak your bins with containers on top to keep paer materials dry and in place. Remember - one item of wrong material may contaminate an entire load of recyclables; this results in garbage rather than recycling. All of the items above may also be recycled at:
Indirectas Provechosas
Recyclables será tomado el mismo día como su basura. Sistema fuera de recyclables cerca los ãm el día de tome. Apile sus compartimientos con envases en la tapa a guardar los materiales de papel se secan y en lugar. Recuerde un artículo de material incorrecto puede contaminar una carga entera de recyclables que esto da lugar a basura más bien que al reciclaje. Todos los artículos arriba se pueden tanbién reciclar en:

The Dalles Transfer Station
1317 W. 1st Street, The Dalles OR 97058 " 541-298-1598
Hours: 9AM-5PM Monday-Saturday.

El Dalles Estacion de la Transferencia
W. 1317 1st Calle, The Dalles OR 97058 " Telephono: 541-298-1598
Horas: 9AM-5PM Lunes-Sabado


Recycling More Obscure Materials

Simple instructions are given on how to recycle or reuse: computer floppy discs, computers, cellular telephones, eyeglasses, smoke detectors, styrofoam packing, compact discs, cameras, holiday cards, batteries, lightbulbs, household goods, sneakers and synthetic carpets.

Recycling Cell Phones
You can donate your old cell phone to help people in abusive relationships (the phones are programmed to call 911 only). Phones or phone parts (like batteries & cords) are collected. Try to collect as many parts as possible. Call your local your local domestic violence program office to find where you can drop off your phone or phone parts:

The Dalles - Haven from Domestic Violence: 541-298-4789
Hood River - Helping Hands Against Violence: 541-386-6603
Goldendale & White Salmon: 800-866-9372
Stevenson: 509-427-4210

Do-it-yourself: Stop junk mail, email and phone calls

A free guide to reducing unwanted or intrusive advertising
Junk mail may seem as inevitable as death and taxes, but with a little patience there are effective ways to tackle the problem. This guide provides clear, simple and proven reduction techniques. About 20 minutes investment now will clear the junk for between two and five years.

General Techniques

Your name, address, and buying habits are a commodity that is regularly sold & traded on the open market. These days organizations you deal with virtually all sell your name unless you specifically ask them to stop. Here are some general techniques:

  1. Whenever you donate money, order a product or service, or fill out a warranty card, write in large letters, "Please do not sell my name or address". Most organizations will properly mark your name in the computer.
  2. Product warranty cards are are often used to collection information on your habits and income, for the sole purpose of targeting direct mail. They are not required in most situations - avoid sending them.
  3. On the telephone, ask "Please mark my account so that my name is not traded or sold to other companies".
    Your credit card company probably sells your name the most often. Call them and ask them to stop.
  4. "Contests" where you fill in a little entry blank are almost always fishing expeditions for names. Avoid these if you don't want the mail.

The amount of paper junk mail sent each year in the USA is staggering -- some 4 million tons, nearly half of which is never opened. Even if you recycle there are still enormous environmental costs in terms of ink, energy to produce deliver and recycle the paper, recycling inefficiencies and loss of virgin forest to create the high quality glossy paper much junk mail uses.

There is a lot you can do to reduce the cost to the environment and your own time:

First class mail: Cross out the address and bar code, circle the first class postage and write "refused: return to sender". Drop in any mail box, it will be returned to the sender.

Bulk mail: The post office throws away bulk mail it can't deliver, so returning it does no good. Bulk mail is the hardest to deal with because the USPS actively provides addresses, support and encouragement to mailers. However, if "address correction requested" is written on the label: circle "address correction requested" and treat like first class mail.

Sexually Oriented Advertising (SOA):The only help you'll get from the Post Office in controlling junk mail is for explicit stuff. Fill out USPS forms 1500 if you wish this type of mail to stop. You define what you find to be explicit -- if that's an automobile parts catalog the post office won't disagree with you.

Credit offers: The major credit agencies all sell aggregate credit information any bidder. Direct mail and credit companies generate mail based on demographics including zip code, income band and credit payment patterns. Stopping this is easy, you just need your address, former address within two years, and social security number. One call does it all for agencies Equifax, Trans Union, Experian and Innovis. Dial 1-888-5 OPT OUT (or 1-888-567-8688) 24 hours a day.

Catalogs: 1) Call the company's 800 number and have the label handy. Write your instructions on the mailing label and fax it to the company. Mark "ATTN: customer service". Or, 2) Tear off the label, write your instructions on it, and enclose in the postage-paid ordering envelope. Mark envelope "ATTN: customer service". This method is the least effective.

America OnLine Discs: You could pave the nation with these, call 1-800-827-6364 (6am-2am EST) to get off the list.

Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes: You can get the Clearinghouse to stop clogging your mailbox by contacting customer service at 1-800-645-9242 (8:30 am to 8:30 EST), sending a fax to 1-800-453-0272, mailing to 101 Channel Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050, or you can send email to [email protected]. PCH will remove any number of names from a specific address, but you have to list each name exactly and insist nicely.

American Family Sweepstakes: Ed McMahon and Dick Clark will stop telling you "You have definitely won 11 million dollars (maybe) " if you call them at 1-800-237-2400. AFP is a division of Time-Warner.

ADVO (Mail comes with pictures of missing children). Call 1-860-285-6100 to get off the list.

Val-Pak Coupons: You must fax the envelope to 508-626-9925 or mail it to 1661 Worcester Rd, Framingham MA 01701. Val-Pak may be contacted at 1-800-676-6878.

Carol Wright: Call 1-800-67-TARGET to get off the list.

Too much junk to deal with individually?

Start by sending a postcard or letter to DMA Mail Preference Service, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale NY 11735-9008.
Include your complete name, address, zip code and a request to "activate the preference service". For up to five years, this will stop mail from all member organizations that you have not specifically ordered products from. Be aware that this option may stop catalogs and promotions you would have liked to receive.

The Direct Marketing Association estimates that listing with their mail preference service will stop 75% of all national mailings. They process 50,000 requests a month and requests are kept active for five years. If you fill out the post office change of address form, the DMA will track the new address (you'll get a few months of mailings to the new address before they catch up to you). It can take up to six months for your request to be fully processed.

To stop mail addressed to former residents, or a former spouse
If you rent you are probably familiar with receiving mail for a dozen or more former residents of your dwelling. Since you probably don't want any of the stuff, you can use two powerful techniques that might not be appropriate for yourself:

Bulk mail for "current resident or ...": Start with sending a postcard or letter to DMA Mail Preference Service, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale NY 11735-9008. Write "please activate the mail preference service", and include the name, address, and zip code. You must send individual postcards -- for some strange reason the DMA does not officially accept listings for former residents, and will ignore requests that don't appear to be from a single individual.

First class and some bulk mail: If the former residents neglected to fill out a Post Office change of address card, or it expired, you can fill one out for them. You must fill out one card for each unique last name. Write "Moved, Left No Forwarding Address" as the new address. Sign your own name and write "Form filled in by current resident of the house, [Your Name], agent for the above". You must write "agent for the above". Hand this form directly to your carrier, if possible, as your carrier must approve the form and see that it gets entered into the post service National Change of Address (NCOA) database. This is very effective.

To stop specific types of unwanted telephone marketing calls
Federal law prohibits telemarketers from "Initiating an outbound telephone call to a person when that person previously has stated that he or she does not wish to receive an outbound telephone call made by or on behalf of the seller whose goods or services are being offered.". You may simply interrupt the telemarketer and say "Please permanently remove me from your calling list". Don't worry about being rude - remember that they rudely interrupted you first. If the same people call back, they are violating the law. Ask them for their company name, supervisor name and phone number.

Oregon "No Call" List: Program information: 1-877-700-NO-CALL (1-877-700-6622) or visit Registration costs $6.50 for the first year and $3.00 each year thereafter. The list is updated quarterly and distributed to more than 1,250 telemarketers in 49 states and two foreign countries. More than 112,000 Oregonians have now subscribed. Companies that call homes on the No Call list are subject to fines of up to $25,000. To date, Oregon has fined 120 companies more than $450,000 for violating the No Call Law.

General Telemarketing calls: Send a postcard with your complete telephone number, area code, address, and names of people receiving calls to DMA Telephone Preference Service, PO Box 9014, Farmingdale NY 11735-9014.

To stop unwanted electronic mail ("SPAM")
It is very hard to effectively combat junk electronic mail. It costs nothing to send out a few million email messages, so there is no disincentive for people to do so. Most SPAM mailers forge the headers, email return address and sending machine name because they are sick of reading the thousands of inevitable complaints. The offers to remove your name from a list are generally untrue, and often result in your name getting added to yet another list. Many internet providers have policies against SPAM, and will take action. Unfortunately some providers either don't care or are SPAM-friendly. There are ways you can reduce exposure and complain:

Never never never reply to a SPAM email.
Complaints: SPAMers like to forge email. They forge email, and send it using innocent computers. The war of forgery has reached a level where the average person can't sort out who or where mail actually came from. If you want to complain, use the services of a system like SpamCop to process the mail.

Stamp out Get Rich Quick schemes: If you suspect fraud, send a copy of the mail to the National Fraud Information Center. If it relates to selling stocks, send to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Unsolicited child pornography: If you receive unsolicited child pornography in your email, send a complaint to the FBI. Sending any kind of child pornography images over the internet is a violation of federal law and is taken very seriously by law enforcement agencies. Do NOT forward the offensive email because then you would be breaking the federal laws. However, the FBI would like to have all information you have, including the "listed" email address and the detailed sender's header information.

Secure your web page: If you include a "mailto" link, as below, expect to get junk mail. Remove the "mailto" and force people to manually enter the email address. State your email address in a way readable only to humans (e.g.. "recycle" at machine "").

Secure your computer: If your PC is running a mail server (such as Sendmail or Exchange) it may be used by spammers. Spammers often hijack innocent machines. Check yourself at ORDB.

Use care with newsgroup postings: Post to a newgroup these days and you can be sure of getting both target SPAM (sports messages for posting in a sports group) and untargeted email. You can use an obviously false return address on postings: most news programs let you set this to whatever you want. Include your real email address (coded as above) in body of the message.

Sign up for a reputable SPAM suppressing program: McAffee and Norton both offer excellent SPAM elimination programs for a minimal fee (about $20/year) to customers. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) may also be able to provide you with a SPAM suppression program.

Complain to your Senator or Representative: Laws will be needed to regulate the eventual legitimate email advertising industry.


This page was last updated on March 17, 2003

Copyright © 2003

This site is maintained by THUNDERBOLT DESIGNS
P.O. BOX 294 " THE DALLES, OREGON 97058 USA " 541-980-4832
Email the Web Concierge at: |

DISCLAIMER: is an information and referral service provider and is not liable or responsible for direct services provided by any individual, business or organization listed. Please report any problems you experience directly to the business or organization in question. If you do not receive satisfaction, we suggest you file a report with the Better Business Bureau . The information on this site is for information purposes only, and not to be considered legal advice, or to take the place of consulting an appropriate medical or mental health professional. Would you like to make a correction or an addition?


